



In Python, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value. You can create a variable in Python by giving it a name and assigning a value to it using the = operator. For example:

x = 42 
y = "Hello, World!" 
z = 3.14

In Python, the type of the value assigned to a variable is dynamically determined, so you don't have to specify the type of the variable. This is known as dynamic typing. For example:

x = 42 # x is an integer 
x = "Hello, World!" # now x is a string

Casting in Python refers to the process of converting one data type to another. This can be done using the built-in functions such as int(), float(), and str(). For example:

x = 42 
y = str(x) # y is now the string "42" 
z = float(x) # z is now the floating-point number 42.0

In Python, you can assign multiple values to the same variable using a single assignment statement. For example:

x, y, z = 42, "Hello, World!", 3.14

In Python, you can use both single quotes ' and double quotes " to define strings. For example:

x = "Hello, World!" 
y = 'Hello, World!'

Both single quotes and double quotes can be used interchangeably to define strings in Python, but you need to use the same type of quotes to start and end the string. If you need to include quotes within a string, you can escape them using the backslash \ character. For example:

x = "He said, \"Hello, World!\"" 
y = 'He said, "Hello, World!"'

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