


Python has 32 reserved keywords that are used for various purposes in the language. Here is a list of all the keywords in Python and a brief explanation of each:

  1. and - Logical operator to perform the "and" operation on two values
  2. as - Used to create an alias for a module
  3. assert - Debugging aid to check if a condition is true and raise an error if it's not
  4. async - Keyword used to define asynchronous functions
  5. await - Used inside an asynchronous function to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete
  6. break - Keyword used to break out of a loop
  7. class - Keyword used to define a new class
  8. continue - Keyword used to skip the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next one
  9. def - Keyword used to define a new function
  10. del - Keyword used to delete an object or an element from a data structure
  11. elif - Alternative to if-else when there are multiple conditions to check
  12. else - Used with if statements to specify what to do if the condition is false
  13. except - Keyword used in exception handling to specify the type of exception to catch
  14. False - Boolean value representing false
  15. finally - Used in exception handling to specify a block of code that will always be executed, regardless of whether an exception was raised or not
  16. for - Keyword used to create a for loop
  17. from - Keyword used to import a specific item from a module
  18. global - Keyword used to indicate that a variable is a global variable, not a local one
  19. if - Keyword used to create an if statement to execute code conditionally
  20. import - Keyword used to import a module
  21. in - Keyword used to check if an element is in a list, tuple, dictionary, etc.
  22. is - Keyword used to test object identity
  23. lambda - Keyword used to create anonymous functions (also known as lambda functions)
  24. None - A special constant in Python representing the absence of a value or a null value
  25. nonlocal - Keyword used to indicate that a variable is nonlocal, meaning it is not global or local
  26. not - Logical operator to perform the "not" operation on a value
  27. or - Logical operator to perform the "or" operation on two values
  28. pass - Keyword used as a placeholder when there is no code to be executed, or to define an empty class, function, etc.
  29. raise - Keyword used to raise an exception
  30. return - Keyword used to return a value from a function
  31. True - Boolean value representing true
  32. while - Keyword used to create a while loop

These keywords are reserved and cannot be used as variable names, function names, or any other identifiers in your code.

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